Monthly favourites

Thursday, 14 December 2017

Psalm that rings true through the ages

"When I said, “My foot is slipping,”
your unfailing love, Lord, supported me.
When anxiety was great within me,
your consolation brought me joy."

Wednesday, 22 November 2017


what makes this paper
so eager
to receive these words?

like a tattoo that remains
after the challenge
of a drunken haze

it's us
whose troubled hearts
need to express themselves

at the cost of possible
later embarassment

Saturday, 14 October 2017

Turning Autumn

I haven't done translations in a while, so it's about time...

Original. Song 1. Song 2.

Turning     Autumn
Fading      bothers
Storm may   shake me
I've two    daughters

One a       birch
The other   aspen
In my       old trunk
It'd been   written

Turning     Autumn
Fading      bothers
Crown is    trembling:
I've two    daughters

One a       birch
The other   aspen
Perhaps I   won't be
Left     forsaken

My crown up to the
Sky it      withers
Turning     Autumn
I've two    daughters

Thursday, 5 October 2017

hope 3

fear turned into questioning

what's the point of it all?
contentment? I plead.
for me, for others, for all.
with others. with him.

oh, your imaginary friend
yes, my imaginary friend

so you concede he's imaginary
yes, in as much as I imagine him
I haven't seen, so I imagine

not imagined, but imaginary. not real. non-existent.
in as much as an imaginary number is non-existent,
but it makes things work. it makes things complete.

a trick then
yes, a trick. take me and three other i.
together, they make 1, a whole

how droll. but that's not a proof
I gave up proofs long ago
instead I keep my feet on the ground
while my soul soars 
and if deeper magic exists
deeper then my shame and wrongs
we will end up in the same place.

fear left me for a while
by the bank of a river called

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

hope 2

fear visited me again
grabbed me by my throat
asked me to declare
what's important and what's not

not scorched

in thanks,
in sighing,
in hope

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

hope 1

in the valley of death
death sets upon itself
and what life remains
can flower and be all life

all that you had dreamed imagined
were forelighted to fruition
and all hope
and all delight

he allowed it
he willed it
to come

from the smell of a football pitch
to that corner that secret wish
that heart's treasure
those wings to soar

a breeze
a kiss
a drizzle
a sound

they're all the same
when set in motion by the same

you daren't say it
you asked for too much
you asked for too little

but at night you hadn't rest
you dreamt the rest
no more details left out
this time you were thorough

all of it

if you couldn't believe
you at least dared to dream

and with such dreams
who would dare
not to believe

there you go
you talked too much
you talked too little

all seems babble
but who stops
a restless heart

'til it finds
what makes it beat
with every hope

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Half a chance

Given half a chance
Most of us would be good
But we seldom give ourselves
Seldom allow ourselves
Half a chance
To be good

"They could not rid themselves of their sins, but they could set about sending them away; they could quarrel with them, and proceed to turn them out of the house: the Lord was on his way to do his part in their final banishment." The Hope of the Gospel by George MacDonald.

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

The Gate

When i had finished
closing all the small doors
the Gate I had longed for

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

To a lost friend

tell me
when did we learn to speak past each other so well?
the silence getting uncomfortably loud
the beats clashing like cymbals 
two gears just the right distance apart
to break each other's teeth
and then; again: I spoke for too long
tell me
is it me
who's growing gray and dull inside?

Sunday, 9 April 2017

To a lost city

truth be told
will always be
my second home
that summer chalet
far and near
more than a shield
more than a sword
youth in the spring
a story long told
something borrowed
something blue
something to lose

to find her anew

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

To a Lost Country

The fog of anger
The fog of hurt
The fog of power
The fog of evil
But among the fog
Evil does not see
The plants rising

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Hide and Seek

did he hide inside men's hearts?

my heart has creatures 

i dare not disturb

and who knows,

which one he's hiding behind?

or is he hiding in plain sight

our eyes too focused on infinity to see him?

is our imagination too vivid

or our senses too numb

to know whether there's anything,
anyone, hiding at all?

here I come!

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Magyar Thoughts

Dear Readers,

I appreciate all the views to this blog so far.
As you will have noticed, I haven't been so active lately.
My original plan had been to primarily translate Hungarian poems, but over the years the balance has tilted towards my own poems. And now I have a couple of thoughts that are not necessarily best expressed in poetic form.

So my plan is this: hopefully I will still publish poems here, and hopefully many of these will be translations. But for my short thoughts, I will use a new blog: So that for those of you who are more interested in poems, I do not "spam" you with my not-necessarily-poetic thoughts.

mc losh

Tuesday, 24 January 2017


What's more sobering
a clear day
to twisting night
than life itself?