I haven't done translations in a while, so special moment.
Also, I'm quite satisfied with the end result.
Original. Recited. Put to Song.
Lord, I'm coming home from war
Everything's over, over
Appease me to you and to myself
For you are Peace, my maker
Look: my heart's a fiery cancer
With nothing to give me rest
Place a kiss on my pulsing heart
To comfort my aching chest
I close my large and weary eyes
Nothing for them to see
I seal them off from world's doings
To see only Your glory
My two sprinting legs some time ago
Were up to my knees in blood
Now look at me Lord, my legs are gone
And my knees are all I've got
Lord, please give me one long look
My arms are but two sticks
My lips are dry they keep from wine
I neither fight nor kiss
Lord, do see me as I am,
Everything's over, over
Appease me to you and to myself
For you are Peace, my maker
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