Sunday, 20 October 2024


It was at the airport,
I had just purchased a hearty
Soup and sandwich and sat

Down by a seemingly quiet seat
Next to an older couple with
A promise of stoic dignity;

Instead, the man told about his hopes
Of getting a job, riding on
An email expressing vague interest;

"What should I reply," he said?
As he kept untangling and dissecting
Then tangling again, every nuance

And nuisance of each potential word,
"They say desperation is the worst cologne,"
He offered, in quiet acknowledgment;

The woman just sat there like
A muted channel, with only
Vague platitudes, barely filtering through;

I had to stand up and finish my soup
Elsewhere. Stung, I could not bear to hear
What all of us were born to fear

That rejection is shame and whether
You dish it out or receive it:
It is disgusting and cruel.

So, like the countess who ordered
The beggar to be removed
'fore she crossed the scenic bridge,

Lest her guilt move her to
Dangerous places; l left them,
Then and there.

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