Tuesday, 9 November 2010

A childlike state

I've got two translation requests but unfortunately I'm a bit tired and the translations aren't straightforward, so I'll post something I've translated a while back. It's a very nice poem, Gyermekké tettél (You made a child out of me -- let me know if you can think of a more compact translation for the title) by Attila József. I translated this for Kinga as a birthday present -- although I should stress that of course my situation is rather different to that of Attila József, e.g. I was lucky enough to have a very warm upbringing, unlike him. One verse though that really resonates with me is the last one, which is a very nice culmination of the entire poem.  Original.

You came -- I'm now a child again
Across thirty years of creaking winters
Pain had grown and nurtured me. It was all in vain.
I can't walk, or sit idly away. My limbs draw me to you, my legs give way.

I hold you firm -- like a dog, whose pup rests in his mouth
I'd love to flee, to escape these suffocating crowds
These broken years, this fate of constant pain
Each moment throws, each falling drop of rain.

Feed me -- I hunger. Cover me -- I need your warmth.
I'm stupid, so take care of me! Don't leave me in this cold.
Your absence passes through me like draught in an empty house.
Let fear depart from thence -- let me hear the words.

You looked upon me -- my hands dropped, everything fell
You listened. The faltered words stopped in mid-air.
Oh please free me, don't let me need you to carry on.
Please let me live, give me strength to die alone!

My mum threw me out -- I lied on cold stone
I tried to warm myself, but I don't have a home
And there's still this stone beneath me, still emptiness above
Oh, please let me sleep, I'm here! Do please open up.

There are many like me, with hardened hearts
Whose eyes still let the flow of tears
I love you deeply, dearest love
For with you, I learned to love myself.


  1. Nem mondom, hogy jól esik olvasni: My mum threw me out -- I lied on cold stone, de a fordítást, ha nem ismerném a mamádat személyemben, gyonyorunek találnám.

  2. Lehet, hogy le kellett volna szögeznem, hogy -- annak ellenére hogy ezt egy ajándékként fordítottam le eredetileg -- ezek a sorok rám természetesen (és szerencsére) egyáltalán nem vonatkoznak. Megváltoztattam a post-ot, hogy ez nyilvánvaló legyen mindenki számára.
