Sunday, 7 November 2010

Half-way to Southampton

I thought we should make this more interactive... any guesses as to the name of the original?

There she stood, the right side of the road
Against her head, a withered yellow rose
She just stood waiting, a creature forlorn
Halfway there, to Southampton

The Autumn sunshine, in its sleepy haze
The Autumn sadness, falling on her gaze
She seemed so familiar, who knows where from
Halfway there, to Southampton

I called out to her, though with a heavy heart
I’ll take her to ’hampton, and after that we part
She watched me in silence, dreamy and withdrawn
Halfway there, to Southampton

I waited a minute, perhaps not even that
Was angry at her, was she deaf or what
I called out again, if she stays I’m moving on
Halfway there, to Southampton

She turned from me, blank without reply
The Autumn sunshine sparkled in her eye
A teardrop twinkled, and gently rolled down
Halfway there, to Southampton

I gave up trying, the concert drawing near
The lousy stage, the broken chandelier
I left her and others, all put upon
Halfway there, to Southampton

Since then I’ve watched, the road’s right lane
Maybe one day, I’ll see that girl again
If I see her, I won’t let her pass on
Halfway there, to Southampton

If I see her, I won’t let her pass on
Halfway there, to Southampton


  1. Oh! Oh!
    Mr Gyongy I think it is "Foldvar fele feluton"

  2. Indeed. Watch it on:

  3. Drága Kisfiam!

    Nagyon orulok, hogy verseket fordítasz. Minden nap kovetni fogom. Olyan, mintha az ember minden nap egy ajandékot kapna
