If I and my readership (be that a metaphorical desk, or actual people) are to be satisfied with this blog, I should lay down a few rules and make a few clarifications. First, as the blog description says, I intend to post a new poem or poetic fragment every day, though I cannot promise which time of the day it will be.
Second, since my intent is to make Hungarian poetry known to an English readership, the emphasis will be on translating poetry, but at times I may write a poem myself -- at this stage I cannot predict the relative frequency of these. And here comes the clarification/disclaimer. I provide no guarantees about the quality (or otherwise) of my translation/writing. I am not a literary scholar, and a good translation relies on a "proper" interpretation of the poet's words. I will take the liberty of putting my own -- perhaps misguided -- interpretation on the poem, which may arouse criticism, but is better than translating word for word. Since many of the poems have already been translated, I will aim to post translations of lesser known poems. One humble claim I will make for my translations: at times I have read translations whose wording is rather archaic, and I feel that my own, perhaps simplistic wording may engage the reader more. Rather like reading the NIV Bible instead of the King James -- the comparison is rather arrogant, but you get my drift.
I will post again in the evening. At your service,
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